Rockwood Triathlon by the Bay Presented by Aberdeen Subaru

Dear Athletes,

Please join us for the annual Rockwood Triathlon By The Bay Presented by Aberdeen Subaru, on Sunday, June 23rd, 2019!

Events include:
-Sprint Triathlon (750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run)
-Sprint Duathlon (3km run, 20km bike, 5km run)
-Sprint Aquabike (750m swim, 20km bike)
-Super Sprint (375m swim, 10km bike, 3km run)

Age requirement/Waivers/Rules:
-Min age requirement for Sprint Distance events is 16 (as of December 31st, 2019)
-Min age requirement for Super-Sprint distance is 14 (as of December 31st, 2019)
-Waivers must be signed by all athletes or legal guardian if the athlete under the age of 18
-All athletes must present a government-issued ID with photo and Date of Birth
-All athletes are responsible for understanding the competition rules of triathlon:
-All athletes must be a member of Triathlon New Brunswick. Click here to purchase an annual membership or add a 1-day membership at checkout.

Event Details:
-Registrations closes Friday, June 21st at 10PM
-Event is capped at 150 registrants (register early to avoid disappointment!)
Race swag hoodies guaranteed until May 1st in order to guarantee delivery (limited numbers of each size available)
– $60 Early bird registration available until March 31st at 11:59 PM
-Pricing increase to $65 on April 1st
-Pricing increase to $70 on May 1st
-Pricing increase to $75 on June 1st
-$5 discount applied to athletes who have already registered for the Hampton Ladies Triathlon on June 9th, 2019
-Race registration fee is non-refundable
On race day, Athletes, Volunteers, and spectators are invited to bring a donation for the SPCA and “Fill the Subaru“.  Not sure what to donate? Check out their Wish List which is updated as their needs change.
50 Volunteers are needed to make this race happen – please spread the word to friends & family to sign up!

Event Schedule:
6 am Registration/body marking opens
6 am Transition Area Opens (racers must be registered and body marked to enter)
7 am Registration/body marking closes
7:15 am Transition Closes for ALL events
7:30 am pre-race briefing (for sprint distance events)
8 am sprint/du/aquabike start
8:30 am pre-race briefing for super-sprint
9 am super-sprint event starts
11:00 awards ceremony/closing

Register Now


Race Course
-It is the athletes’ responsibility to understand the race course
-Maps of the race course will be provided on race day
-Swim will be in Lily Lake, Bike will be an out-and-back, Run will be in Rockwood Park

View the 20KM bike route here:

Description of the 5km run route here:
Sprint and Duathlon 2nd run (Red Map). 5km
– Head North from Lily Lake, past the campground until you come to the large parking area
– Enter the “Clean Air Trail”. This is a 700m loop. Keep to the left, then exit at the same parking lot again.
– Turn right and head toward Fisher Lake, keeping to the left of the traffic circle. You will pass the water stop, and continue around the back side of the traffic circle.
– Keep left on the Loop Road (with all the flags).
– Follow this road TO the Fisher Lake Parking Lot. You will see where to turn left into the parking lot
– Continue around Fisher Lake by the AFrame canteen and bear left and you will come back to the water stop.
– Head south back toward Lily Lake.
– On the right side of the traffic island, you will enter the “Arboretum/Trans Canada Trail”
– A series of left turns will bring you down to Lily Lake. A left turn on Lily Lake trail will bring you around the north end of the lake and you will see the Pavilion and the finish line!

Description of the 3.0k Run route here:
– Head north from Lily Lake, past the campground until you come to the large parking area
– Enter the “Clean Air Trail”. This is a 700m loop. Keep to the left, then exit at the same parking lot again.
– Turn right and head toward Fisher Lake, keeping to the left of the traffic circle.
– At the water stop, TURN AROUND
– Head back to the parking lot and bear right, continue back down past the campground and straight to the finish line (supersprint)
– DUATHLON FIRST LAP – continue through the finish line (no timing mat), down the ramp, across the deck to the beach, up the grass knoll, and into transition T1 via “SWIM IN”

View the 10k Bike route here:

-Top 3 overall winners (m/f) for Sprint
-1st, 2nd & 3rd age group winners (m/f) for Sprint Triathlon only
-1st place finishers (m/f) for Duathlon, Supersprint, and Aquabike
-All finishers will receive an East Coast Games medal
-Draw prizes
-Swag includes a hoodie and other surprises

We couldn’t host this event without our sponsors!

Aberdeen Subaru

Human Performance Centre

For your reading pleasure and to help reduce the risk of athletes receiving a penalty or a disqualification, please review the common do’s and don’ts of triathlon:


It’s about Safety, Fair Play & Respect

Do read the latest International Triathlon Union (ITU) rules
Don’t verbally or physically abuse volunteers or officials, it is not acceptable nor allowed. They are volunteering their time so that you can experience a safe and fun race.
Do read the advance race information and listen to race briefings on race day.  It’s the athlete’s responsibility to know the course.
Don’t cross or come near any timing mat prior to the start of the race when you are in possession of your timing chip.
Do set up your transition gear under the front wheel of your bike, and only the width of your handlebars.  Leave your coffee machine at home; no buckets, boxes, stools, water basins, bags or any other item that will crowd transition. Do not mark your spot. No person shall interfere with another racer’s equipment or impede the progress of another racer.
Don’t ride your bike in the transition zone (TZ).
Do wear the race swim cap.  If you are allergic notify the Race Director /official.
Don’t unfasten your helmet at any point during the race until your bike is racked in the transition zone (TZ).
Do wear your fastened helmet when in possession of your bike.
Don’t ask or accept assistance during the race, no assistance other than that offered by race and medical officials may be used.
Do cover your torso on the bike and run parts of the race.  No nudity allowed.
Don’t draft or block competitors during the race. Keep on the right-hand side at all times; alert cyclists of your intention to pass by saying “On your left”. Do not cross the yellow line.
Do follow the course as set by the Race Director (RD); no short cuts allowed.
Don’t litter!  All personal belongings and equipment taken out onto the course must stay with the athlete the entire race. No headphones, headsets, mobile phones or any other electronic communication devices, etc. can be carried or worn at any time during the race.
Do have lots of fun and enjoy every moment.  Race Happy from TriNB.